Oklahoma Guided (Thermal) Hog Hunts

I know hogs are a nuisance to our land and agriculture, but they are a lot of fun to hunt. Most of our fields, if not all of them will have hogs on them at one time or another. We will work to pattern these hogs before you arrive, and we have been known to give clients 100% GUARANTEE shots at pigs. We also do not limit you to the number of hogs you can shoot, while hunting with us.

We hunt hogs year-round and there is never a bad time to shoot a hog!

Feeder hunts: Hunt from an ASF blind over an ASF feeder that has an ASF Boar lights shining down.

Thermal hunts: Due to rising fuel charges and ammunition expenses guided thermal hunts will be cancelled for this season.

Call us today to schedule a feral hog hunt you will not soon forget!

Feral Hog Hunting      
Hunt Season Daily Limit Price
Feeder Hunt 2+ Hunters Year-Round No Limit $350 a gun
Feeder Hunt 2+ Hunters Year-Round 1 Pig Per Hunter $250 a gun
Hog Hunts are a 2 hunter minimum

Skin and quartering $100 a pig.

When hunting pigs in Oklahoma you do not need a hunting license, unless it is during deer gun season. During that time you must have an Oklahoma hunting license as well as a deer tag, all of which are available online at www.wildlifedepartment.com