2017 Oklahoma Big Coyote Calling Contest

Cast & Bang Outfitters has partnered with The North Canadian Outdoors to provide you with this season’s last coyote hunting contest in Oklahoma. All the proceeds from this event are being donated to the Laverne Area Ministerial Alliance to help support the victims of the recent wildfires here in Oklahoma.

Facebook Silent Auction

We are hosting a silent auction on our Victims of Oklahoma Wildfires Silent Auction Facebook page. The auction features many great items that have been generously donated to us from people around the nation that want to help with this cause. To bid on any item you simply need to comment on the photo in our album with your price. Again, 100% of everything raised is going to this ministry so please be generous in your bidding.

The sole purpose of this contest is support this cause, but it will also allow you to have another great day in the field with your friends and family. Remember when you’re hunting to make a memory and have fun, take someone who hasn’t been before, introduce a child to the outdoors, and help raise up the next generation of hunters and huntresses!

Contest Flyer, Rules, and Information

This contest is for the biggest coyote in the state. You can shoot as many as you would like, but we are looking for the biggest! We have organized with people all over the state and have set up 5 locations regionally that will allow you to check in the biggest coyote you harvested that day. At the end of that night the 5 regional locations will submit the results from their region to us, and we will tally the results.

Sunday, March 26th at 1:00pm we will be hosting a lunch for all participants, family, and community to join. We will be serving a BBQ lunch, awarding prizes to the winners, taking a love offering, and announcing the silent auction winners. Lunch is free to all participants and $10 per plate for everyone else. Again, all proceeds from the lunch are also being donated to the victims!

Date: March 25, 2017 6:56am-8:16pm
Check-in Closing Time: March 25, 2017 9:00pm
Teams: 1-3 person
Entry Fee and Lunch: $135
Lunch Location:
Online Registration ONLY: https://www.tncoutdoors.com/shop

Check-in Locations

NW: Butch’s Guns – Store (580) 254-9764 Butch’s Guns
NE: Nabatak Outdoors – Tyler Jochmans (918) 960-1777 Wounded Veterans of Oklahoma
C: D&D Feed Store – Marcus Radunzel (405) 339-1047 The North Canadian Outdoors
SW: Comanche, Oklahoma VFD – Ryan Aller (405) 249-4779 Cast & Bang Outfitters
SE: Pushmataha County Fair Building – Blake May (918) 429-5796

Rules and Regulations of the Hunt

  • Coyote must be called and react to the call
  • Winners based on single heaviest coyote
  • Hunt boundaries: Official Oklahoma State lines
  • Hunting hours are 30 minutes before sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset
  • Teams must hunt together at ALL times
  • NO road or vehicle hunting of any kind
  • NO trapping, snaring, or any other methods are allowed other than shooting
  • NO hunting with live decoy animals, or with chasing dogs
  • NO hunting over bait
  • NO hunting in preserves, ranches or ranges where high fence is employed to keep animals inside.
  • NO hunting of live captured animals, free range coyotes only
  • NO manipulating of animal before check-in.
    Any animal that appears to have been tampered with will be investigated
  • Teams must always follow all Oklahoma Department of Wildlife rules and regulations





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